Love Letters - Episode 1

June 30th

You know when people hold you and their hands grab you in any old place?
It's not like that with you.
And that's how I know you care about me.
Like, more than a normal person.
Like a mother and her child.
That attention to touch.
That feeling of adoration and security.
You didn't just grip onto me and claim be as your own.
You were caring.
Your hands were welcomed, but you knew not to overstep and disrespect me.
You touched my arm, my back, my hand.
But, not in any ordinary way.
We connected.
You didn't just hold me.
You felt me.
Your hands climbed up and down my body.
It was like you were comforting me.
Letting me now that in those drunken, sloppy moments that although sober you may not be able to act the same way, you want me to know you care.
That you truly have feelings for me and that you like me.
In my mind, you touching me just felt right.
Although it was just your hands on very ordinary parts of my body, it felt intimate and special.
I know you've never touched any girl like that before.
I want to be able to make you feel as special as you make me feel.
I hope my lips remind you of a place you've never been to.
And my skin feels better than anything you've ever felt before.
I hope my words keep you up at night.
I hope you look up at the stars and wonder if I'm doing the same.
I hope you have songs that remind you of me.
I hope you think I'm special.
I hope you still like me.

(image not mine)


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